7 Products for a Non-Awkward Family Holiday Party

7 Products for a Non-Awkward Family Holiday Party

Melissa Enciso

They’re here!” Did you feel butterflies in your stomach when you read those words? Why is it that rather than excitement and anticipation, those words produce one universal response; “Already?!” We’re not going to beat around the bushes; family holiday parties can be stressful and awkward. We can relate. We can also give you some practical tips that are going to help you this year so you’re not under so much pressure.

Play Table Games to Break the Ice

Bad news; your son hasn’t seen his cousin since they were five. After the painful exchanges of, “so… what grade are you in now?” they’ve resorted to staring at their phones. This is not going well, and you know you need to act. Just one simple sentence can change this scenario from awkward to fun; “why don’t you show him the game table?!” There’s nothing like an engaging game of foosball to break the ice. Unlike sitting around a sofa, which puts all the pressure of entertainment on your son, a game table diverts the attention to a fun activity allowing conversation to flow naturally. The 10-in-1 Game Table Set is especially great because if one of them doesn’t really like foosball, they’re sure to find a common game to enjoy in the nine other options that come with this set. And after the boys have had their fun, your husband can challenge your brother-in-law to a game of billiards!

Entertain Your Niece with a Magnetic Tile Set

Your son is in middle school now and you’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a 3-year-old. Although your sister will bring a few toys for her daughter, you still want to try to provide something for your niece to play with. The Magnetic Tile Set will keep her engaged for a few hours and promote STEAM learning, like strengthening fine motor skills and developing shape recognition, which will score big with your sister.  

Help Guests Unwind with a Lower Leg Massage

Earn more brownie points when you leave out the Calf & Foot Massager for everyone to take turns trying. Especially with your brother-in-law, the nurse who has been standing up all week and keeps complaining about his feet. This massager uses air compression and heating functions on sore spots in feet and calves, for a true therapeutic experience after a long day.

Spare the Heater Blast with an Electric Blanket

You love Aunt Mary but you gave her your slippers, you even gave her a sweater, and she is still shivering. You would turn the heater on, but last time she came over, your son complained that he couldn’t breathe. Do you satisfy the masses at her expense? We have a solution that can help your auntie without sacrificing the comfort of the others; the Heated Sherpa Blanket. It has three heat temperatures and is made of cozy material that maintains an even warmth throughout the blanket, so you don’t have to blast the heater.

A Gaming Chair for Playing Video Games

Your son wants to show his cousin the new video game console. You’re glad they’ve bonded and are getting along, but there’s no more room on the couch; Aunt Mary is still using the Sherpa blanket, your brother in law is chatting with her while getting a calf Shiatsu massage, and you’re catching up with your sister. Thankfully, the boys don’t have to sit on the floor. You go to the storage closet and unfold the Gaming Chairs. They’ve got thick padding and no legs so the boys can stretch their legs and even recline, for maximum comfort while playing.

Entertain the Grownups by the Fire Pit

After some time, it gets dark. The boys are having fun, Aunt Mary stopped shivering, your niece is sound asleep, and the adults are ready for some fresh air. Take them outside to catch up by a stylish 52in Fire Pit. It’s made of durable material that can withstand weather conditions, and with a glass wind guard surrounding it, your fire holds out in wind or breeze. So, you can stay warm and comfortable while you reminisce about old holiday memories under the stars.

What you were once worried would turn into a stressful night has turned out to be a bonding experience. The sound of laughter as you make new memories fills the otherwise silent night. Sit back and take it all in. Because awkward or non-awkward as they may be, these are the moments you’ll be talking about for holidays to come.

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